Tusvir.com is a platform to share Pakistani stock photos free and premium of high quality. Users will be able to upload their photos to share with the whole community and visitors. They may receive payments of their sales. In addition users will be able to give like, comment, share and add to collections your favorite photos.
A user dashboard displays the following.- Total Earnings
- Balance
- Total Sales
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Revenue
- Photos Quantity
- Photos Pending Approval Quantity
- Downloads Quantity
- Graph of Earnings in Last 30-days
- Graph of Sales in Last 30-days
- Real Time chat among users.
- Engage with vendors and explain your needs to create a graphic.
- Hire them at your leisure.
- Exchnage any information.
- Display of all user's photos and images in pagination style.
- Cover image
- Avatar image
- Add funds to your wallet
- Handling fee dscription
- Deposit history if any
- List of all photos
- Edit option
- Sorting access
- List of all sales with commission earnings
- List of all purcahses
- Download link of the image
- Download link of the invoice
- Purchase Date
- Purchase Code
- License Type
- List of all downloads
- Download link of the image
- Subscription Information
- Button to Unsubscribe at any time
- Invoices information and download link
- Settings of Username
- Two-Step Authentication - A code will be sent to your email every time you log in.
- More
- Change of Password
- A place to save your bank's information to get paid.
- Withdrawal Balance
- Minimum withdrawal is PKR Rs. 5,000.00
- Domestic withdrawals will be charged online banking fee.
- International withdrawals will be charged wire transfer fee.
- Full list of wallet funds history.
- Notifications in Real Time
- Tusvir.com has Extended Validation (EV) SSL from Sectigo.
- Encryption up to 256-bit.
- Strongest possible SHA2 and ECC encryption on all communications.
- Tusvir.com is part of Intelisales.
- Intelisales is verified by Sectigo.
- Intelisales is verified from from Bank Alfalah for the use of their Alfalah Payment Gateway.